Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Friday, February 26, 2010

Child Like Faith...

Have any1 wondered why does the Bible say that we need to have Child Like Faith...

When Little Children Pray, They believe that God will Answer it no matter how big they ask for...
They still believe that there is a God who Hears their prayer and believe soon they will get what they'd prayed for...

But as for Adults... as they grow older, They'll begin to think Logically...
Here's an Example....

A Building is on Fire. People are Trapped inside...
There is no other way out but to Jump of the 11th Floor...
so A Father says to the children, 'JUMP CHILD!! I'll Catch You'
Eventhough the child can't see the father but only hears His voice,
The child will jump Believing that the Father will catch...

But if the same situation arouse with an adult....
The adult will think twice of whether he or she should jump....

That is the difference between an Adult's Faith & a child's Faith....

Beside This, There are many things that a Child can teach us...
We should never look down on what they can teach us...
For You'll Be Surprised how God can use These Little Children....

For even the bible says that The Kingdom Of God Belong to Children Such As These.. =)